话再说回,我还是觉得林部长很不孝,真是大逆不道,吉祥表哥含辛茹苦将这儿子带大;悉心栽培,原以为会为了纪念老爸,改名“吉祥桥”,吉吉祥祥,没有人会再在这里跳海寻短见;谁知到这不孝子竟然把这样好料的提议建议给敌对阵营, 林部长应该被抓去打靶!唔。。。
哎呀!幸亏我老婆Sammy记忆比我Velu好,提醒我几乎已经忘了现有的槟城大桥!对啊! 说起槟城大桥,火箭党曾经大大声的宣布如果执政的话,一定取消过桥费!现在林部长想要模糊我们的视线!过桥费变成免费渡轮,那是不是叫大家返璞归真,还是时光倒流二十年啊,让海风吹吹扮浪漫啊?火箭真的很“火得”!一想起当初个个火箭候选人场场充满火药味的火辣演说会我就无名火顿生,五尺差一寸的Velu还要站在椅子上垫高脚趾才看到这些“火星”(又叫火箭明星!),听他们许下那哪怕海枯石烂的山盟海誓,爱你一万年的谎言,吉祥表哥真的是管教有方,教会儿子管它火东还是火西,只要是能帮到火箭捞票的,就是好东西!
备注:Velu只是“鸡婆”(福建话:kepoh )而已,槟城选民不要鸟我。。。
Pls understand the whole situation. Don't make irresponsible statement here. Such as, reducing the Penang Bridge Toll. I believe this toll will be reduced immediately together with petrol price IF ONLY IF ANWAR is our next PM.
you got to understand, somethings are controlled by federal, some are by state. As a state gov't, Guan Eng, can only change the state authority projects, not federal authority.
Penang Bridge contract is signed by Federal, they need to follow the contract, how can state gov't reduce the toll?
If you want reduce in toll and Petrol, next term, let Anwar take over.
Also, pls be responsible with your statement, be mature before criticize.
Dear Vincent,
We're so touched that you're the first person to give our first comment, and it's a contructive one. We hope that you can understand where did we come from, we're the 110% DAP supporters for years, and i can tell you that me and my wife are two of the "Rakyat" force that created a new leaf for DAP, our votes on 8th March recently is undoubtedly given to DAP in their Segambut constituent. First time ever DAP won this parlimentary seat as it was always the strong hold of Gerakan's Dr. Tan Kee Kwong.
I'm truly not happy about the so-called "loose coalition", it can be temporarily successful as PAS and PKR are still at the growing stage, imagine one day, if these two parties are strong enough to form their own government, do you think DAP will be invited and taken care? Look at Kedah, DAP only won one seat, and PAS promised an exco position before and didn't materialised. If we're beggars, we can understand why are we treated in that way; but if we're the majority seats winner, why do we need to "beg" for a deputy MB post???
You can say that me and my wife are conservative or out-dated, we never feel comfortable with PAS and PKR. We feel that it's extremely unacceptable to form a political party with the basis of religion, there goes PAS. Imagine if there's Buddhism Party, Christianity Party, Catholic Party etc...
PKR was formed cause of Anwar's individual vengeance strategy, it's getting too personal and Anwar's only wish is to ruin BN down; imagine, if nothing happened to Anwar 10 years ago and he's now the Prime Minister and leader of BN instead of Pak Lah, will PKR be formed?
Anyway, we started this blog with the intention to function as a watchdog to all the new states' government with no bad intention. I believe our new chief minister in Penang should already knew that it's federal authority to decide whether to waive the tol fees of Penang bridge or not; however, he still keep on emphaisizing that this will be taken out "if" DAP can successfully form the state government. See what happened now?
We just hope that all the politicians can be more ethical, no matter you're from BN or BR. Any baseless agenda or suggestion will eventually come back to them. What goes around comes around.
Last but not least, my wife Sammy asked me to thank you for contributing your opinion, we love you "mak mak" ('very much' in Thai language ).;-)
Better Malaysia, better future!
no problems... Anyway, it's still too early to said whether the new coalition gov't is good or not. Let's give them sometimes, maybe 2 years, then we'll re-evaluate them and see.
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